Is Life all about being Happy?

Before getting started, I want you to take a moment to close your eyes and ask yourself, Is life all about being happy?
Well, we all undoubtedly want to be happy in life but is that it? Are you just pursuing happiness in life?
The obsession with happiness has blurred the essence of life. Living a happy life isn’t makes it worth living, but having a meaning makes it one. Instead of chasing happiness, we should chase meaning because we couldn’t experience happiness until we lead a meaningful life. The goal of life should be to add meaning to our life because when reflecting on our life, we feel more content recalling meaningful moments than just happy moments.
Now, you must be wondering how happy life is different from a meaning life?
The answer is simple: A happy life is all about being a taker whereas leading a meaningful life makes you the giver.
We all want our wishful desires to get fulfilled without working for it but will it really make us happy at the end? Not really, Right?
On the other hand, when you work hard for something you want or believe in then you experience a different kind of joy in the long run.
Have you ever wonder why is it so?
It is simply because you have given a purpose to your life. Scientifically speaking, Human beings are meaning-seeking creatures so when we add a purpose in our life then we lead our lives in its true sense.
Our life should be supported by the pillar of meaning so that we can feel content even on the days when we are not at our best. Do you wonder why people who seek the pursuit of happiness feel dejected most of the times? Because the things or moments that they once associated with happiness get vanished with time, making them feel unfulfilled all over again. But when we add a purpose in our lives then it makes our life more significant and worthwhile.
After all, The meaning of life is to give life meaning!
Before you go…
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